New Solo Performance Premier 26/05/2022
Welcome to the World Premier of my new Solo Performance at The Off Theater Vienna / Performing PUZZLE by tauschfühlung
La Señora Muerte ( ciclo de la VIDA/MUERTE/VIDA
“To you, The One who showed me The Death, face to face, uncensored, honest and with detail. Like no one else could imagine. To you…. who taught me how to GROW.”
“To us, who live blind in a dream, which is not even a dream. We live in the illusion of the ego and it’s superficiality, wishing for the untouchable eternity. To us, those, who think that we are pure and unbreakable and incorruptible. To us, those, who ignore our own crying, and the nature of life: the Circle of LIFE-DEATH-LIFE“
There is an essential journey from the Darkness to the Light and from the Light to the Darkness. Set the fear aside and let´s go down, to the deepest of our souls and wash our tears, re-collect our broken bones, to be able to be re-born and re-newed again.